Bristol Brand Shoot - Emmeline Stevens

One of the greatest joys for me as a Brand Photographer is watching a clients business develop; seeing it grow, evolve and mature.

6 years ago, and by complete chance, I met this great woman in a cafe and Bristol, and over half a decade later our working relationship is doing exactly what her business is… growing, evolving and maturing.

We used to have to plan our shoots; completing Brand Visions questionnaires, having length Planning Sessions and putting together detailed Photography Plans. These days she just rocks up with a suitcase full of clothes and I, with a Pelicase full of camera gear!

Leading up to our Photography, Colour and Connection Day at Kettlewell Colours later this month we met at The Square Works in Bristol to capture a few simple headshots. We had 1 hour to shoot, 2 children in tow (you can thank the teachers “Inset Day” for that!), but a whole load of experience and years of successful Brand Photography Shoots under our belt.

What’s the verdict… do you think we managed to “wing it”?!!

Venetia x